Anyway, the minute I saw the quilt I knew I had to put it on my "must make" list. I don't know if it won viewers' choice that year, but I think that it did; I know it got my vote. I stared at it forever.
There's something so special to me about simple embroidery. Maybe because it was the first craft my mom taught me, or because all of our pillowcases were embroidered and all our our dressers had embroidered scarves on them.
Fast forward to last year when my LQS featured Cake Walk by Sandy Brawner as a block of the month. It's not exactly like the one I saw in Tyler - in fact, I might like this one more. I was thrilled to sign up for it, and here it is, about a year later, ready to be put together. Well, almost. I've only done one corner setting triangle and one side setting triangle.
The picture does not do it justice. I know 30's repros are not everyone's cup of tea, but I love them.

you're right, the 30's fabs are perfect with that pattern. the handwork is what makes this a very beautiful and special quilt.
Its perfect...congratulations!
Wow, I love your quilt! Makes me want to go get some embroidery floss and start one myself, 'cept I don't know how to embroider . . . The 30's prints are one of my many favorites too!
That's a very pretty quilt. I love 30's but have never made anything using them.
Beautiful quilt! Sounds like Tyler wasn't all bad, you got inspiration for a beautiful quilt! Enjoyed seeing it, Gwen
That sure is my cup of tea!!
I love 1930's fabric and how perfect with the embroidery.
Your quilt is going to be beautiful. I have a table runner with the same basket as the one in the center of the bottom. I always liked it.
Very pretty! The 30's fabrics are perfect with the embroidered blocks!
What a wonderful quilt. I am really enjoying the mix of stitchery with piecing.
Thank you for sharing!
I love that quilt! Thirties repros are some of my favorite fabrics and they set off your baskets perfectly.
What a gorgeous quilt! It would surely get my vote in a quilt show!! You have done the pattern wonderfully. Found your blog through Stitch'n Heaven. Excellent blog
Pretty, pretty! Thanks for visiting my blog...I see you like Jo Morton and so just had to follow you! I'll visit often! I'm curious about Tyler, TX?!!
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