Over the long Labor Day weekend I decided to go through over 15 years (yes! it's embarrasingly true!) of saved quilt magazines. Don't tell my husband, but some of these magazines have moved with us eight times. I wish I had counted them before I started - or maybe not. Anyway, this is the result:

I saved instructions for quilts I truly loved/might make/would be loved by family members; articles on quilt history; and articles about decorating with quilts.

The rest of the magazines went in the recycling bin. My sewing room closet is much neater now. Or, at least it was neater for a few days!
The interesting thing was that there were very few (like five or so) magazines that went into the bin intact. In every other magazine was at least one project I felt like saving. I had multiple copies of all the most popular magazines:
American Patchwork and Quilting,
McCalls Quilting, etc. By far, the magazine that had the most pages going in the books and the fewest going in the bin was
American Patchwork and Quilting. None of those were discarded intact, and most of them resulted in
multiple articles from any one issue being saved. Just a personal preference thing, I guess.
So did all that work (it really took me all weekend and then some) cause me to rethink my magazine buying habits?