Anyway, the minute I saw the quilt I knew I had to put it on my "must make" list. I don't know if it won viewers' choice that year, but I think that it did; I know it got my vote. I stared at it forever.
There's something so special to me about simple embroidery. Maybe because it was the first craft my mom taught me, or because all of our pillowcases were embroidered and all our our dressers had embroidered scarves on them.
Fast forward to last year when my LQS featured Cake Walk by Sandy Brawner as a block of the month. It's not exactly like the one I saw in Tyler - in fact, I might like this one more. I was thrilled to sign up for it, and here it is, about a year later, ready to be put together. Well, almost. I've only done one corner setting triangle and one side setting triangle.
The picture does not do it justice. I know 30's repros are not everyone's cup of tea, but I love them.