Friday, October 2, 2020

Still making the scene

Saturday (October 2, 1976)

Dear Robin,

We are having some beautiful weather - I can hardly stay in the house. However if I go outside I see how badly the grass needs mowing and I don't want to do that.

One day this week Lisa and Grant and I went shopping and Lisa had to go to Music Mart on Blanco to get a book for Kim - on the way we stopped in to see Dee and Howard. We all went to brunch together. They are fine and Howard looks really good.

I played golf Wednesday with Myra and Lorelei. I didn't do so bad and even had a birdie. I think I might buy me a season ticket to the Texas Open.

I hope Julie and Lulu both visit you. Julie said she thought she would but she seems to have so many things going I don't see how she does it all and has any time to study. 

It must be the cool weather, I don't know what else has go in to these cats. They had the wildest running and playing spree ever last night and they are at it again this morning. John Boy still wants to play ball but I don't play with him very often.

I guess I'd better get dressed and water my plants. I hope a get a letter today.



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