Tuesday, March 9, 2021

So busy!

Wednesday March 2, 1977

Dear Robin,

These two cats are driving me crazy this morning. They are so full of pep I don't know what has got into them.

I hope the number I gave Sharon was some help to her. I couldn't go ahead and make the appointment because they asked for information I didn't know.

Sunday, Lisa, Kim and I went to Lytle. We visited Ben and Tony's grandmother. We also went out to see where they are going to build their house. They have the house staked off and will start this week. The lot is really nice and the house is going to be something else. It will be about six months before it's finished.

Yesterday Myra and I went shopping. She was looking for a crewel pillow to work on so we went to Merribee's, Scrivener's and Yarn Barn. We had lunch at the Quarter Deck. At Scrivener's we got some material to make pillows but what they had to make the backs was too expensive so we went to Cloth World and Pin Cushion. She got a piece at Pin Cushion and I have about decided to go back and get some of the same. The colors are hard to match. The material is printed in squares and each one has different birds.

After we got back I went to take Grant's birthday present. I got him a Big Mac Attack Pack which he calls a Macky Tack. I also put a lot of little toys and things in it. I think it was a big hit. Lisa made him a darling cake with clowns on it. He said that was a neat cake which we took to be high praise.

You have $453.26 at First Federal. I think it would be a good idea to get a sewing machine after you get enough saved for next fall.

Well I need to get to work.



As a sewist/crafter I'm so jealous! Five different local places to get sewing and crafting supplies! That's not the case now, but I am grateful for online shopping. 

Scrivener's was one of my all-time favorite places to shop. It started out as a lumber yard/hardware store but over the years they added a Christmas store, fine china and crystal, fabric and patterns, needlework, a boutique, gifts, and a tea room! (I have no idea who those ladies in the picture are; I found the photo online). When you sat down they brought you this little bitty cup of broth and some cheese crackers. And maybe tiny cinnamon rolls, I think. I also found the recipe for the cheese crackers online. Might have to give it a try.

When Dave and I got married we registered at Scrivener's. All of their wedding gift deliveries were made by a chauffeur driving a Rolls Royce! Unfortunately, I never got to witness this exceptional service because we had everything delivered to Dave at the church he was serving at the time. It was exciting for the ladies in the church office, though!

Scrivener's closed about 20 years ago and there's a Chili's where it used to be.